Dumont BOE Member Recognized as a Certified Board Member

The Certified Board Member is the second level of the NJSBA Board Member Academy certification program. Areas of optional study are designed to give members a firm foundation in the essential governance skills needed to carry out their responsibilities.

Certified Board Member (CBM) requirements include:

  • Earn at least 20 cumulative Board Member Academy credits
  • Attend at least four county meetings
  • Attend at least one annual NJSBA Workshop
  • Attend at least one NJSBA Delegate Assembly
  • Attend at least one statewide or regional professional development program
  • Complete at least three full years of service as a local board member
  • May not have been judged to have violated the School Ethics Act (As determined by NJSBA)

Mrs. Riva has served our school community on the Dumont Board of Education for the past 13 years, serving as Board Vice President for 2 years and Board President for 4 consecutive years. On hand to celebrate this milestone with Mrs. Riva were fellow Board of Education Trustees, Mrs. Karen Valido, Mrs. Stephanie Petriello, and Mr. Robert DeWald.  Congratulations to Mrs. Riva on this special accomplishment that is a truly a hallmark of her commitment, dedication and continued service to the Dumont Public Schools!