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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are Questions and Answers to Frequently asked Questions of the Dumont Board of Education.

If you do not find the information you are looking for please Contact Us

Q:  Does Dumont Have a Full-Day Kindergarten Program?

A:   Yes. The Dumont Public School District has a full-day kindergarten program open to all children who will be five (5) on or before October 1.

Q:  What are the Kindergarten Hours?

A:   Kindergarten Hours:

School Starts - 8:40 a.m.

Lunch - 11:30 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.

Dismissal - 2:55 p.m.

Q:  When is Kindergarten Registration?

A:   Kindergarten on-line registration begins the second week of January. Children who are five (5) years old on or before October 1 are eligible to register. Once on-line registration is complete, you must contact the Registrar at 201-338-8933 to schedule a residency verification appointment.

**You will need to bring your child’s original birth certificate to your verification of residency appointment**

Q:  When and Where Will I Be Able To Show Proof of Residency In Order To Register My Child For Kindergarten?

A:   Residency verification will take place at the Board of Education building at 25 Depew Street (next to Honiss School).

The residency verification process is by appointment only. AFTER completing the on-line registration process, Parents/Guardians must make an appointment by calling 201-338-8933.

If needed, additional appointments will be available on a limited basis.

Q:  What Documents Do I Need To Show As Proof Of Residency In Order To Register My Child For Kindergarten?

A:   You will be required to supply the following to prove residency:

  • An Original Deed, OR Mortgage Statement, OR Lease or Property Tax bill. (If a lease is used for proof of residency, a Landlord Affidavit and cancelled check showing payment or rent for a current period and a lease termination date clearly indicated on the agreement are required.)


  • FOUR of the following statements showing family name and Dumont address:
  1. Recent Water bill
  2. Recent unemployment claim
  3. Television bill (Cablevision, Verizon, Satellite)
  4. Telephone bill
  5. Recent Electric/Gas bill
  6. Voter’s Registration Card
  7. Insurance claim/payment or benefit statement
  8. Auto insurance card
  9. Recent Court Order
  10. Current bank statement
  11. Document pertaining to military status and assignment
  12. New Jersey Driver’s License
  13. New Jersey Non-Driver’s License Card
  14. Consulate ID Card with Dumont Address
  15. Driver’s Permit
  16. New Jersey Vehicle Registration showing a Dumont address and family name. If the vehicle is leased and the address displayed is that of the bank, then the vehicle lease invoice showing the Dumont address may be used in addition to the registration.

Q:  Is a Physical Examination Required Before Entering School?

A:   Yes. Students are required to have a complete physical examination before entering school in September. The physical must take place after January of the enrollment year. Physical forms are included in the registration packet downloaded from on-line registration and must be returned to the school nurse by June 1.

It is the policy of the Dumont Board of Education that a child will not be admitted to kindergarten until the physical form has been submitted to the school nurse.

Q:  Does Dumont Have A Preschool Program?

A:   The Dumont Public School District has a fee-based preschool inclusion program for three and four year olds. This innovative program will provide your child with a child-centered environment with the supports and services needed to achieve valuable learning outcomes as well as to form and maintain productive social relationships with other children.

For the current school year, the program will only be open to three year-olds unless some of our four year-old students don’t return.

The program will be housed at Selzer School and will feature three sessions, one in the morning and two in the afternoon.

The curriculum will follow The Creative Curriculum for Preschool®, which is aligned with the NJ Preschool Teaching and Learning Expectations: Standards of Quality.

Tuition Costs - Five days per week for either the A.M. or P.M. Session

$2,800.00 per year (2025-2026) snacks are included in the price of tuition

Q:  When Will Preschool Applications Be Available?

A:   Applications will be available in February.

Q:  How Does The Preschool Application Process Work?

A:   Applications are NOT on a first-come, first-serve basis. All applications are treated equally.

If more students apply than places are available, a lottery will be held on to determine placement.