New Student Registration -OPEN ENROLLMENT *2024-2025*

Online Registration for children who will be entering the Dumont schools, grades K-12, during the 2024-2025 school year is now open.
Please note that your child must be turning 5 years old on or before October 1, 2024 to enroll in Kindergarten.
If you have previously enrolled other children through our online registration, you will need to sign in with the same email you used to register those children. If this is your first child being enrolled through our online registration, you will need to select Create an Account.
Please select the link below to complete the online registration.
Once online registration is complete you must call (201) 338-8933 for an appointment to bring in your residency documents.
Please Note: If your child currently attends the Pre-K4 program in Selzer School, please do not complete this form as your child will be a returning student in the fall. Please contact the registrar at (201) 338-8933 to schedule an appointment to verify residency. |
Please click the appropriate tab below to access required registration and medical forms. Should you have any questions regarding medical forms, please reach out to your child’s school.
Incoming Kindergarten Medical Packet
Transfer Grades K to 5 Medical Packet
Transfer Grades 6 to 12 Medical Packet
Middle School Student Packet
Home Language Survey