Technology » Frontline Education

Frontline Education


The Dumont Public School District uses Frontline Education's Absence Management system to track all employee absences and, if required, to schedule substitutes. All employees are required to use this system to track absences, personal time, etc.  The Frontline system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Frontline - Sign In


Frontline Resources for Employess


Employee QuickStart Guide

The Employee QuickStart Guide will give you a brief overview of the different website and phone options you will have while using the system.


Employee Basic Training Video

This video will walk you through the basics of your absence management Employee website. You will learn about how to log into absence management, the home page, creating an absence, viewing and editing personal information, changing your PIN, and where to find help resources.


Employee Advanced Training Video

This video will walk you through the more advanced features of your Employee website. You will learn about creating an absence in advanced mode, assigning a substitute to an absence, cancelling absences, viewing the approval status of an absence, viewing absence history, attaching a file to an absence, checking your absence reason balances, and viewing the substitute directory.


Forgot your username and/password?

Log onto the Frontline account and select username and/or password, please see the picture below.